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Story of a Wrestler Junaid Baghdadi

Junaid Baghdadi earned his livelihood as a professional wrestler. As was the norm, the Leader of Baghdad announced one day, "Today, Jun...

Hadith: Most Hated Person

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Oppressions Volumn 003, Book 043, Hadith Number 637. ----------------------------------------- Narated By '...

Story: The King and the Poor Man

There was a king who decided to take a tour of his country. As he passed by different places, everyone rushed to see him. However, while pas...

Hadith: Problems of being in debt

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Loans, Payment Of Loans, Freezing Of Property, Bankruptcy Volumn 003, Book 041, Hadith Number 582. ------------...

Story : Owners of the Garden

The following story is mentioned in Surah Qalam, Chapter 68 of the Holy Quran. Once there was a wealthy and pious man. He had a big garden...

Hadith: Good to serve Muslims

Sahih Al Bukhari - Book of Friday Prayer Volumn 002, Book 013, Hadith Number 060. ----------------------------------------- Narated ...